Interventions That Can Be Put In Place To Help Adults With Complex Learning Disabilities In School

Posted on: 15 August 2017

Adults with complex learning difficulties, who also have co-existing conditions, such as attention deficit disorder and autism, may need some interventions and adaptations put in place at school so they will have an easier time excelling while furthering their education. Some of those changes may include:

Changing The Student's Seat To The Front Of The Class

By moving his or her seat to the front of the class, the student will be able to have direct line-of-sight for the chalkboard or whiteboard. This makes paying attention and taking notes a lot easier, as there are not as many distractions right in front of the student. For example, if the student with the complex learning disabilities is in the back of the class, there may be ten or more students within his or her view that may become a terrible distraction, making it extremely difficult to concentrate on the school work.

Use A Timer For Dividing Up Time Spent On Work

It can be hard for many adult students to buckle down and focus on the task at hand, as they may become easily distracted and feel as though there is more time to complete the work than there really is. By implementing the use of a timer, the student will have a clear visual of how much time is left to study, write the paper, or finish the test. Even a loud alarm sounding off when the timer has run out of time is a distraction for the rest of the students, find one that can be set to vibrate or give off a little light when the allotted time is over.

Place With An Occasional Partner To Get Work Done

Too many people make the mistake of assuming that the adult with the complex learning disabilities is usually best left alone to complete all school work. This is not always the case. While alone time to work on things is important, it is just as important to buddy him or her up with a classmate. Find partners for everyone in class so the student with the learning disabilities is not singled out. With a partner to socialize and work with, the student may be able to focus a little better because there is someone there to help guide the way.

You may find that what may work for some students with complex learning disabilities will not work for others. It might be a trial and error process, but it is worth all of the effort that is put into it. Reach out to educators at facilities like The Center for Discovery for more information.


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